São Paulo
2013 | 2016
5.366 ha
The Arco Tietê Project, created by Public Call-to-Quote nº 1 / SMDU / 2013, had as main objective the transformation of this strategic axis of São Paulo to guarantee its development in the several thematic pillars of urban planning, including socioeconomic issues. In this regard, together with a multidisciplinary team, Levisky Arquitetos coordinated Urban Modeling and helped to develop the entire Urban Development Feasibility Study for Arco Tietê Urban Administrative Agency.
The complexity of the project is clear after understanding the characteristics of the region. About the perimeter and its occupation characteristics, it is an area of more than 50 square kilometers, along with one of the main hydrological axis of the city, Tietê River, including a wide range of territories, involving several sub-municipalities and districts, with different dynamics of land use and occupation.
Due to the scale of the project, these characteristics turn into challenges such as structuring an intervention plan that takes into account the diversity of the urban stain that comes along, its economic impacts on the local and regional scale, the need for connection and transposition across the water axis, in addition to the environmental issues of water system recovery.
Finalist in phases I and II of Arco Tietê Project, the urban modeling included a definition for the Urban Intervention Area (AIU), Joint Urban Operation (OUC, in Portuguese) and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models, ensuring the financial viability of the project, which encompasses modernizing and adapting the road system on the old riverside path, as well as the creation of a BRT system connecting Westside (Pirituba) to Eastside (Tiquatira).
Nominated proposal
The consortium was coordinated by Bacco Arquitetos.